How to Build Better in Fortnite: Tips for Beginners

How to Build Better in Fortnite: Tips for Beginners

Posted by Lily Morgan September 29th, 2023

In the ever-evolving realm of Fortnite, one aspect stands out as the cornerstone of victory - building. The ability to construct walls, ramps, and platforms in the blink of an eye isn't just a flashy skill – it's a strategic necessity. 

Whether you're a newcomer to the game or still honing your building prowess, this guide is designed to propel you toward building excellence. 

From the fundamentals of material gathering to mastering complex structures, we'll delve into a curated selection of tips that will undoubtedly elevate your building game. Get ready to fortify your foundation and ascend to new heights of success in the world of Fortnite.

Master the Basics

Before diving into complex building techniques, make sure you have a strong grasp of the basic building controls. Familiarize yourself with the different building pieces: walls, floors, ramps, and roofs. Practice switching between them quickly so you can construct basic structures without hesitation. Building muscle memory for these foundational structures will set the stage for more advanced tactics.

Keybinding and Settings

Take some time to customize your keybindings and settings to suit your playstyle. Having comfortable and easily accessible keybindings for building can greatly enhance your building speed. Experiment with different configurations to find what works best for you. Additionally, consider adjusting your mouse sensitivity to ensure precise aiming while building.

Start Small and Gradually Improve

Don't feel overwhelmed by the complex building structures you see advanced players creating. Start with simple one-by-one structures for defense and gradually build up your skills. As you become more comfortable, you can experiment with more intricate builds. The key is to practice consistently and challenge yourself to improve over time.

Practice in Creative Mode

Fortnite's Creative Mode provides a dedicated space for practicing building techniques without the pressure of live battles. Use this mode to hone your skills, experiment with different builds, and develop your own strategies. Creative Mode also allows you to collaborate with friends, providing a supportive environment for learning.

Learn from Pros

Watch skilled Fortnite players and streamers to gain insights into their building strategies. You can learn a lot by observing how they position themselves, when they choose to build, and the types of structures they prioritize. While you might not replicate their moves exactly, you can adapt their techniques to your own gameplay.

Building in Combat

Building in combat situations requires quick thinking and adaptability. When engaged in a fight, prioritize defense by building walls and ramps to create cover. As you get more confident, try to maintain high ground advantage by building ramps and platforms to gain a better vantage point over your opponents.

Edit Structures Efficiently

Editing structures is a crucial skill that can catch opponents off guard and provide you with unexpected angles of attack. Practice editing windows, doors, and ramps to create openings for shots while maintaining cover. Quick and precise edits can be a game-changer in close-quarters battles.

Building Pyramid and 90s

Two of the most popular advanced building techniques are the pyramid and the 90s. The pyramid can be used for quick defense or as a platform for gaining height. 90s involve rapidly rotating ramps and walls to create a spiral structure, allowing you to ascend quickly. These techniques require practice but can give you a significant edge in battles.

Stay Calm Under Pressure

Building effectively in Fortnite requires a cool head, especially in intense situations. Panicking can lead to mistakes and slower building. Stay calm, think strategically, and trust your building skills. Over time, you'll develop the ability to build swiftly even in high-pressure scenarios.

Practice, Patience, and Persistence

Becoming proficient at building in Fortnite takes time. Don't be discouraged by initial failures or slow progress. Keep practicing, refining your techniques, and learning from your mistakes. With dedication and persistence, your building skills will undoubtedly improve, making you a more formidable player on the battlefield.